There are terrible consequences for being a good person

I am not simply talking about the strange phenomena of bad behavior being rewarded over good people in our modern society, but the spiritual or “other-world” consequences of having a good conscience and living a life of goodness.

Our good actions could send someone in the spiritual world to hell!

According to scientist/theologian Emanuel Swedenborg, most people, soon after their physical death, gravitate to a spiritual realm that lies between heaven and hell.  In this preliminary stage of the afterlife an individual human spirit is prepared for one eternal abode or the other.

The final outcome is based on three things. The first stipulation depends on the quality of a person’s heart. Do you love others or do you seek to do them harm?

The second prerequisite involves no longer being able to hide our intentions, whereby we must always manifest the inclinations of our hearts. With good spirits this involves making efforts to improve the lives and goodness of others, while nefarious spirits seek to destroy the goodness of others.

The third requirement is more shocking and involves the participation of those of us who are still here on earth. Swedenborg maintained that there was a top-down causal connection between the spiritual and physical worlds, as well as between spiritual beings and their terrestrial human counterparts. In other words, the feelings and thoughts of both angelic and evil spirits lawfully filter down into the hearts and minds of humans on earth.

We humans feel conflicts between these two influences as temptations of conscience. The Lord God wisely uses this conflict to bring order to both a person’s inner reality and into the makeup of various spiritual societies. When a spirit in the other world challenges God’s love and seeks to poison the minds of others, this negative influence flows down into the heart and mind of some earthling.

A psycho-spiritual combat arises in that individual.

If that particular earth being, from his or her conscience, chooses to resist such a temptation or compulsion, the result of this struggle puts their values and thoughts into a more orderly form that is oriented towards a heavenly design. However, when such a wonderful order emerges within the individual’s inner (spiritual) being, the offending spirit who did not prevail is—by necessity—cast away like dreg, in a manner similar to common purification processes.

So, when we are being inwardly tempted and do make the right choices in life, some poor soul (who opposed our noble values) in the other world is kicked into a society of the damned.

I hope and pray that I did not bring such a horrible fate to some old friend, family member or distant relative who has gone on to the other life!

About thegodguy

EDWARD F. SYLVIA, M.T.S. Philosopher/Theologian Edward F. Sylvia attended the School of Visual Arts in New York and received his Master of Theological Studies at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA and a Certificate of Swedenborgian Studies from the Swedenborgian House of Studies. He is a member of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (C.T.N.S.) and the Swedenborg Scientific Association (S.S.A.). Award-winning author of "Sermon From the Compost Pile: Seven Steps Toward Creating An Inner Garden" and "Proving God," which fulfills a continuing vision that God’s fingerprints of love can be found everywhere in the manifest universe. His most recent book, "Swedenborg & Gurdjieff: The Missing Links" is an edgy collection of anti-intuitive essays for personal transformation that challenges and inspires. He has been a student of the ideas of both Emanuel Swedenborg and George I. Gurdjieff for over thirty years. Read more about TheGodGuy, his books and his ideas at
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11 Responses to There are terrible consequences for being a good person

  1. Roger Noah says:

    Dear Edward,

    You said: “some poor soul (who opposed our noble values) in the other world is kicked into a society of the damned.”

    Are you sure? Don’t they go to hell because they love it there? I don’t think they’re kicked into hell. Maybe they get tired of living off the negative energy of earthlings, and decide to locate into a more congenial locale. There is no “kick”.


  2. Roger Noah says:

    Continuing…. Maybe the allures of hell are a “kickback” (carrot) rather than a “kick” (stick) for the spirit leaning towards radical evil.


  3. thegodguy says:

    Dear Roger,

    The word “kick” is just a figure of speech. I also mention that this process is similar to that used in purification. I could also have said that evil individuals are cast into hell in the same way a human body removes solid waste matter (as Swedenborg states). Yes, the evil go to hell because they prefer it there, but the Lord God makes use of this situation by allowing these spirits to tempt those of us on earth so that we can recognize and remove similar negative traits from our lives. When the Lord was in the world He was constantly being attacked by evil spirits. By battling these influences He became glorified (unifying His Human with His Divine). We must also go through a similar process during spiritual transformation but on a much smaller scale.

    Spiritually yours,

  4. Domenic says:

    we also have family and so called friends on this side, that we keep a certain distants from, i would’nt worry about it, as long as your reasons are from a spiritual perspective, you can not grow spiritually if you allow them to influence you in a negative way, in the end it was them that chose there own fate, your just following your faith.

    • thegodguy says:

      Dear Domenic,

      While we must be considerate of all people we cannot assume that the friends we have on earth will be the friends that we will have in the spiritual world. Many people can’t understand this concept.

      Spiritually yours,

  5. thegodguy says:

    Dear domenic,

    There is more to it than that. Heaven is divided up into sections (societies) according to the qualities of one’s spiritual love (doing God’s will). Swedenborg warned about good people getting temporarily trapped in Hell because their “close” friends had gravitated there. We are quite poor at determining the true quality of another person’s heart – no matter whether that person is acting as our friend or foe in this physical world.

    Spiritually yours,

    • Domenic says:

      someone once asked me, whose your best friend, i said my teeth when they don’t hurt me, thats why we must have a rational view of God, so we may know what he expects from us, not a general and vague idea, so that we may end up in a heavenly society, but most people think that the righteousness of christ is inputed in them regardless of the way they live there life, as long as they obey civil laws,

  6. thegodguy says:

    Dear Domenic,

    Salvation is a tricky subject. You can’t offer people something they think they already possess!

    Spiritually yours,

  7. Domenic says:

    on that note, may the good lord grant us the serenity, to accept the things we can not change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the differents. God bless

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