Infinity, Schminity…

A goofy thing usually happens when physicists try to combine the equations of general relativity with quantum mechanics. The mathematics of such a combination begins to spin out of control, yielding infinite answers.

Scientists hate it when infinities show up in their equations! Science only deals with finite measurements. While relativity theory and quantum physics work wonderfully on their own, they resist being combined. This is embarrassing since these two potent theories most certainly would have been happily “married” to each other at the beginning of creation.

Unfortunately, scientists cannot ignore this problem because the Big Bang theory describes this cosmic beginning as taking place within a teensy-weensy Singularity—the bedroom where these two theories would caress. But in this cosmic bedroom all the laws of nature simply break down. The laws of physics break down because science does not know what happens in the absence of time and space. A Singularity exists prior to the emergence of time and space.

So science cannot yet deliver a knockout punch to the idea that an Infinite God created the universe! Currently, physicists are placing their hopes on String or Membrane theory. Again, scientists hope that the final theory will deliver them a finite answer.

If one were to write a book attempting to unify science and theology (like I have) then a fertile area for thought is fathoming what was going on in the universe’s earliest, pre-geometric state.

In my book Proving God, I show how scientist/theologian Emanuel Swedenborg boldly embraced the concept of infinity in all his thinking. In fact, from things learned in infinitesimal calculus, he was able to create a multileveled model of reality that allowed for discrete jumps into new trajectories and structures that raised powers to new principles of infinity—all the way to God.

While current multidimensional string theory keeps everything physical (which makes scientists happy), Swedenborg’s multilevel model straddled physical, mental and spiritual realms. The fruit of Swedenborg’s thinking is that it provides us with a causal link between the Infinite and the finite—which is essential to formulating a plausible theistic science.

Nobody in the history of human ideas has offered more rational ways to understand dynamical magnitudes operating in a realm abstracted from any relationships with time or space. These non-temporal and non-spatial laws and corresponding forces are at the heart of both the mysteries of faith and the mysteries of creation!

About thegodguy

EDWARD F. SYLVIA, M.T.S. Philosopher/Theologian Edward F. Sylvia attended the School of Visual Arts in New York and received his Master of Theological Studies at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA and a Certificate of Swedenborgian Studies from the Swedenborgian House of Studies. He is a member of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (C.T.N.S.) and the Swedenborg Scientific Association (S.S.A.). Award-winning author of "Sermon From the Compost Pile: Seven Steps Toward Creating An Inner Garden" and "Proving God," which fulfills a continuing vision that God’s fingerprints of love can be found everywhere in the manifest universe. His most recent book, "Swedenborg & Gurdjieff: The Missing Links" is an edgy collection of anti-intuitive essays for personal transformation that challenges and inspires. He has been a student of the ideas of both Emanuel Swedenborg and George I. Gurdjieff for over thirty years. Read more about TheGodGuy, his books and his ideas at
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24 Responses to Infinity, Schminity…

  1. Glenn says:


    This is embarrassing since these two potent theories most certainly would have been happily “married” to each other at the beginning of creation.

    It was okay when we were kids, but I certainly wouldn’t want to be living with my siblings now. No thanks. They’ve got their own families, I’ve got mine. Thank you very much.

    Also, and more importantly, the fact of the matter is that the theories themselves did not come into existence until a long, long time after the beginning of creation.


  2. thegodguy says:

    Dear Glenn,

    Yessiree! These two current theories represent the two major pillars of today’s physics. I am merely bringing up a problem as current physicists see it. The fact that the two theories “butt heads” with each other is a sign to many theoretical physicists that there may be a deeper theory that is yet to be discovered. Some physicists feel that relativity theory may need to be reformulated. Some (like Roger Penrose) believe that it is quantum mechanics that needs to be reformulated.

    In my new book “Proving God” I show how Swedenborg would take the position that both theories are flawed and that both have to be reformulated in order to find that deeper theory of reality.

    Certainly, creation took place according to real laws (Divine order). Swedenborg believed that humans could discover these laws if they approached reality from a theistic science and sincere spiritual innocence.

    Spiritually yours,

  3. Sue says:

    Re: “So science cannot yet deliver a knockout punch to the idea that an Infinite God created the universe.”

    Don’t you think that science will never be able to deliver that knockout punch? The science that would try to do that is strictly operating in the natural world – and no matter what they come up with, someone thinking spiritually will be able to say, “yeah, but …” because spiritual thinkers have infinity on their side. An infinity of “yeah, buts”.

    • keith says:

      Exactly, Sue, and Swedenborg explains early in DLW that those who cannot conceptualize God as being outside of time and space (and that they can do so by beginning to choose to elevate their mind out of natural and into the spiritual plane), cannot understand Creation, Substance, Form and so forth.

  4. thegodguy says:

    Dear Sue,

    While spiritual thinkers have infinity on their side they usually cannot express their belief in away that would resemble a scientifically plausible theory. Swedenborg provided a plausible scientific approach. I do not believe that science and theology should be at war but unified. That is the purpose of my book “Proving God.”

    Spiritually yours,

  5. Sue says:

    What would the unified theory be in a sentence? And, yes, I did read your very interesting book. The plausible scientific approach is ______ ? To first believe in God and then figure out the natural world from there? To start with quantum theories where there is no certain reality until an observer comes and then say that a God is required to firm it up into reality?

    Your book observations were interesting but I never did understand the overall way that science and religion will unify.

  6. thegodguy says:

    Dear Sue,

    You may be one of those unfortunate people who will have to read my book twice. Your statement “To start with quantum theories where there is no certain reality until an observer comes and say that a God is required to firm it up into reality” was certainly not the approach I take in my book. I challenged quantum theory with Swedenborg’s concept of discrete degrees and top-down causality. Besides, the Copenhagen model of quantum theory (which you allude to above) is falling out of favor with the multi-universe approach. I do thank you for your purchase!

    Spiritually yours,

  7. Sue says:

    Ok, I was just offering a nonsensical example of putting the concept into a sentence. So that you would correct me. What would you say the sentence is?

  8. thegodguy says:

    Love is the ultimate science!

  9. Sue says:

    The plausible scientific approach is that Love is the ultimate science. Ok, that does have a certain ring to it.

    So, to apply it to spirituality would mean that science puzzles could be solved (and not just religious puzzles) by living in Love or being with the Lord?
    And to apply it to science would mean that answers to natural scientific questions could be solved by listening to the Lord for the answer?

  10. thegodguy says:

    Basically yes.

    However, it requires elevating our minds to that of the angels (not just listening to the Lord for answers). I predict that this will happen in the future – once the New Jerusalem has taken firm hold among the earth’s inhabitants.

  11. Glenn says:


    Swedenborg wrote that angels explained to him why it is that heart and breathing rates vary amongst people. It is–according to angels (or according to Swedenborg’s report of what angels told him)–because the beat of the heart and the breathing of the lungs in heaven is spread out into a kind of continuum and so into an endeavour whose nature is such that it gives rise to those varying motions in living beings.

    How this might be of use to, say, asthmatics and people given to experiencing heart palpitations?

    And given this revelation of ‘scientific truth’ from angels through Swedenborg, what would you recommend?

    That such people modify themselves such that their manner of lives becomes of such a nature that they then correspond to point along that continuum in heaven which is such that it does not give rise to those varying motions involving asthmatic conditions or conditions conducive to heart palpitations in living beings?

    I realize you can’t offer detail answers to complex questions (though I don’t think the question just presented is a complex one). At the same time, the consistent offering of scanty information inspires in one the pondering of whether there might not be other things also in scanty supply.


  12. thegodguy says:

    Dear Glenn,

    It is not the aim of this blog site to make myself the “Dear Abby” of Swedenborgian doctrine. Your question is off topic. However, since you are already expecting a “scanty” answer I will simply say that the above passage you quote from Swedenborg can definitely help those with breathing and heart problems to obtain ETERNAL health.

    FYI – I have started a major new writing project. As a result, you will see less “scanty” articles published on this site. I estimate that it will be a two year project.

    Spiritually yours,

  13. Glenn says:


    It is not the aim of this blog site to make myself the “Dear Abby” of Swedenborgian doctrine.

    “Dear Andy” might suit you better. Just sayin’.

    Moving on…

    Sue asked, “…science puzzles could be solved (and not just religious puzzles) by living in Love or being with the Lord?”

    You responded, “Basically yes. However, it requires elevating our minds to that of the angels…”

    Since, a) Swedenborg claimed that his mind was elevated to that of angels; b) angels revealed to Swedenborg the cause of variations amongst heart and breathing rates; and, c) properly responding to the conditions of asthma and heart palpitations can be viewed as medical or science puzzles… I was wondering if your ‘yes’ response to Sue was simply theoretical, or whether you could carry the example the (so-called) last mile into something concrete and useful. Until substantiated, unsubstantiated theory remains unsubstantiated.

    Your question is off topic.

    Not at all. You had the infinity of eternity to respond–yet, it took you less than 24 hours to do so. I’m impressed!

    I have started a major new writing project.

    I wish you well with your new endeavor,

  14. thegodguy says:

    Dear Glenn,

    The problem with providing practical healthcare advice from Swedenborg’s teachings is that I have not researched your chosen topics – asthma and heart palpitations. If you have not yet read my book then I will not allow you to dictate the terms by which I must substantiate a theory, or, allow you in a couple of sentences to force me to reply with a rigorous scientific article (roast pigeon).

    Thanks for the good wishes towards my new writing project!

    Spiritually yours,

  15. Anon says:

    It’s not that hard to give references to rigorous science, and you don’t have to do the dirty work yourself. Even a handful of secondary sources for the things you feel you have researched (I’m recalling the plant psychology post) would help a lot in garnering interest from your more science-oriented readership. I know you’ve blogged quite a bit, and maybe I’ve just missed the concrete stuff, but I have only really been able to find anecdotes and parables.

    If all your raw data is in your book, why not give us a taste and draw us in? The people who want new metaphors for religious concepts are probably convinced already if they ever will be, but I can’t imagine that more than a miniscule group of non-Swedenborgian scientists are going to be made interested in this way. Since that group is probably so small, and the internet is so big, retooling your approach here would probably be profitable for you.

  16. Glenn says:

    The problem with providing practical healthcare advice from Swedenborg’s teachings is that I have not researched your chosen topics – asthma and heart palpitations. If you have not yet read my book then I will not allow you to dictate the terms by which I must substantiate a theory, or, allow you in a couple of sentences to force me to reply with a rigorous scientific article (roast pigeon).

    You wrote in your blog, The fruit of Swedenborg’s thinking is that it provides us with a causal link between the Infinite and the finite–which is essential to formulating a plausible theistic science… and in another response to Sue, I challenged quantum theory with Swedenborg’s concept of discrete degrees and top-down causality… so I posed the question I did–not in order to solicit healthcare advice, but because it bears relation to the postulated ‘causal link’.

    In other words, the question posed was very much on topic.

    If there is a top-down causality–and one which does more than just sound nice, interesting or intriguing–then it must terminate in effects at the ultimate level of real-world, everyday experience.

    If you are going to tell people–as you have–that elevating their minds to the level of angels will enable them to be the recipients of revealed scientific truth which enable …science puzzles [to] be solved (and not just religious puzzles) (as Sue put it), then you have–wittingly or not, willing or not–assumed a responsibility to provide at least a smidget of support for your claim–support which is plausibly rational and reasonable.

    Calling you on your non-appointed but self-assumed responsibility is not dictating to you the terms by which you must substantiate a theory. Rather, it is providing you with an opportunity to make good on your responsibility to substantiate, or offer support, if not the theory itself, then at least the claim you make about it.

    By continuing to dodge the issue (re the question originally posed), you continue to, amongst other things, ignore an excellent opportunity to call attention to the relations between the heart and the will, and the lungs (breathing) and understanding.

    With nearly three decades of having studied Swedenborg behind you, and your articulate, creative mind in constant practice, one would think that availing yourself of that excellent opportunity would be a ‘piece of cake’.

    And it certainly would have taken less time and energy than has continuing to nimbly dodge the issue!


  17. Sue says:

    A two-year writing project is exciting. I did read your last book. So, can I (just for fun) guess what the project is? I figured it’s come to you in the last two months so I skimmed back on your topics. I see a phrase that is trademarked! And does not come up on Google in any other context. So I am going to guess it is: “inspired-self mind (TM)” – you are going to tell how we got into a cubicle mind and how we should get out. Right?

    This might be an out of line suggestion, but if you want me to proof read your new project before you publish it, I will. I can give you lots of practical suggestions. I can tell you where the audience gets confused.

  18. thegodguy says:

    Infinity, Schminity!

  19. thegodguy says:

    Dear Keith,

    Thanks for the support! Chime in any time you like. My new writing project is offering me less time to address my reader’s questions – which are non-ending. For some unknown technical reason your comment keeps appearing below my reply – an obvious timewarp!

    Spiritually yours,

  20. Makropoulos says:

    I just found your blog by accident, sort of. I think I’m writing a blog on the same topic. Nice to see someone agrees. I look forward to reading your book.

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