Love without Truth | Truth without Love

love-truthWhat many people find hard to understand is that good deeds are terrestrial (worldly) and not spiritual, unless done from some divine principle or teaching.

Without this, even our best intentions and actions toward others become self-centered. Why? Because we falsely assume that it is “us” who are being good—as opposed to the Lord God working heavenly goodness through us.

However, truth without love describes an entirely different condition where simply having the right (intellectual) convictions (faith-knowledge) in our mind is believed to be enough for our eternal salvation, which is a dead faith. But love without truth is the false belief (from a principle of self-love) that we are good from our own powers.

True heavenly worship in life requires the marriage of both spiritual love and truth.

About thegodguy

EDWARD F. SYLVIA, M.T.S. Philosopher/Theologian Edward F. Sylvia attended the School of Visual Arts in New York and received his Master of Theological Studies at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, CA and a Certificate of Swedenborgian Studies from the Swedenborgian House of Studies. He is a member of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (C.T.N.S.) and the Swedenborg Scientific Association (S.S.A.). Award-winning author of "Sermon From the Compost Pile: Seven Steps Toward Creating An Inner Garden" and "Proving God," which fulfills a continuing vision that God’s fingerprints of love can be found everywhere in the manifest universe. His most recent book, "Swedenborg & Gurdjieff: The Missing Links" is an edgy collection of anti-intuitive essays for personal transformation that challenges and inspires. He has been a student of the ideas of both Emanuel Swedenborg and George I. Gurdjieff for over thirty years. Read more about TheGodGuy, his books and his ideas at
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4 Responses to Love without Truth | Truth without Love

  1. Walt says:

    I would like to learn more about truth and love as you teach in this article. How can I learn more about this topic.

  2. Lee says:

    Hi Ed,

    In connection with this and your other posts about focusing only on good works to the exclusion of truth and self-examination, I just came across a passage that I think you’ll enjoy: Apocalypse Revealed #110. The whole section is relevant, but see especially subsection 3, which says:

    Satanic spirits, moreover, have power through those in the spiritual world who are concerned with works only, but without them they have no power. For satanic spirits attach such spirits to themselves if only one of the satanic spirits says, “I am your neighbor, and am therefore due the performance of kind offices.” On hearing this, the spirits concerned only with works go over and render assistance, without inquiring who or of what character the satanic spirit is. That is because they are without any truths, and it is by truths alone that one person can be told apart from another.

    • thegodguy says:

      Dear Lee,

      I appreciate the info! Swedenborg is adamant that there is no regeneration without temptation. Simply doing “good works” implies one can sidestep this painful reality on the way to becoming angelic. There is way too much “kissing,” “hugging” and “shallow affirmation” going on among modern Swedenborgians – in an attempt to portray “lovingness.”

      Spiritually yours,

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